

Hola! Bienvenido a mi blog! Mi nombre es Natalia y me pueden decir nati, naty, nat, nato, como gusteen un gusto espero que disfruten del blog que espero no dejar tirado donde iré publicando mis criticas hacia ciertas películas, series animadas, anime, series, etc.

Si no compartes mi opinión esta totalmente bien, esto lo hago por ocio, diversión, y sobre todo pasión hacia el mundo de animación y cinematográfico. beso xaoo


9.8 |


"La caída de la familia Usher"


Una adaptacion del trabajo de "La Caída de la casa usher " de Edgar Allan Poe.

Una serie de misterio, terror y drama considero yo, la verdad me pareció un poco similar a la serie de "Elite" al inicio.

Eso si me aburrio un poco por lo lento que llegó a ser, pero si le das chance, te dejaras sumergir en la confusión y misterio que el autor tiene pensado para ti. El final lo es TODO.

También recalco que tiene un muy buen arte en fotografía, efectos especiales, y un cast de puta madre.

  • Para mayores de 18

  • Contenido sensible al gore

Cinema paradiso

Cinema Paradiso

March 10, 20243 min read

I choose my friends for their looks, my enemies for their intelligence. You're too sly to be my friend. I always tell my children, "Be careful how you choose your friends.".” - Alfredo

CINEMA PARADISO BY Guiseppe Tornatore


I totally fell for this movie, so long I haven’t seen something like this, and Im glad I had the delight to be the first time of watching it, how making small things in life totally beautiful and romantic. The storytelling was wonderful.


This romantic Italian movie came to my life in a right moment, I had the joy of seeing it for the first time, I have a sense that all the romantic language, colors, made the story more involving and enjoyable for the audience. Even though, may be an old movie, I can recognize all the effort they made. I’m worried about film industry of this decade, everything came more commercial and boring, we can always expect the ending and we are forgetting the objective of sending a message to the public, as before, as this jewel that our classmates brought.

Salvatore, this lovely and playful kid earned my heart, even though he was the older brother he always had a smile to life and an adventurous personality. Also, big guts to sneak around Alfredo. When he grows up into this handsome and kinda shy teenager, good boy crazy for love for Elena, it’s just, nostalgic to think about that love that we all had, hoping for the best in the most naïve and pure illusions in a love fairy tale.

All the conversations he had with Alfredo, were tremendously fulfilling of knowledge, honesty and love.

I get that Alfredo was Salvatore fatherhood image, and that he always respected him, even though when Alfredo recognized himself as an imbecile, who never did something in life. But he did raise Salvatore on his own way, helping him to pursue his passions, to do all the things he couldn’t, and having his heart in his hands, with all the pain of the world, encourage Salvatore to leave this village to not get stuck and swallowed for the people, that Salvatore had more and enough to make it better in life. Praying and hoping that he would never return. Salvatore must have had a profound admiration and respect for Alfredo to not even have contact with his own mother. Damn, that must have been tough for her. I don’t know why Salvatore never invited her to live in a better city with his sister.

Cinema paradiso

Unfortunately, our wonderful handsome and naughty Salvatore couldn’t find Elena again on his life. He must have been suffering for so long expecting for her, anywhere she may have been. And the last decision of not buying the “Cinema Paradiso” building to not be demolished, broke my heart. I totally understand why he didn’t as he needed to “let it go” and “move on” but this place, have had so many meanings for all the town. Was a special place, where they were allowed to   reunite, drink, sleep, talk, enjoy, learn, fuck, masturbate, and enjoy all at the same time the movie.  I mean, where you can get that? C’mon.

During this movie I tried to hold my tears so bad but was indeed beautiful and I may recommend it from now on. I expect that maybe someday film industry would become what it was.

This movie gave us various life tips.

Rest in peace Alfredo my favorite character and for me, the most important one.


✍(◔◡◔) I give it a 10/10


Just to be clear this is my opinion and its totally okay that you don't give a fuck, im not an experct and I do not consider myself as cultured or specialized. I do this for fun and passion of sharing, i hope that maybe would it get to some hearts. And if u dont like it, i don't give a fuck. Byee😸

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yo pues quien mas boludo

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En mi opinión ok, fuera hate ¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯



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